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"The Piano Chord Encyclopedia!"
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Including Every Chord You'll Ever Need So You Can Start Playing The Piano Like a Pro!

Discover the single fastest method for playing your favorite songs on the piano with least amount of work possible. 

Don't waste your time learning to read sheet music. In this book you will discover how to play the songs you love without the pain of sheet music.
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"I have looked through the entire Piano Chord Encyclopedia and I love it! The chords are categorized by key in an easy to use dictionary depicting each chord clearly. It is mastered very well and is so easy to reference."
- Lee
"I am really a beginner in the field of music and piano playing. This book has helped me a lot. Please keep on assisting the needy who require your expertise. Thanks for the beautiful information. The book is very helpful to me."
- Membi
"It is indeed very helpful. I very much like your encyclopedia. This is so useful. Thanks!"
- Dominik
Here Is What You Can Expect Inside This Book That You'll Be Given For FREE...
  • Over 645 Fully Illustrated Picture Chords - All the chords you'll need in every key!
  •  Clearly Labeled Notes On The Piano Keyboard - Easy to read picture diagrams for each chord makes it simple to know what notes to play for every chord.
  •  Including Proper Fingering For Comfortable Playing. Never get your fingers in an awkward position ever again. Each chord gives the most comfortable fingering possible making them easy to play.
  •  Music notation For Each Chord - Once you learn the notes for a chord, you can easily transfer your knowledge of chords over to reading sheet music!
  •  Every Possible Chord Inversion - It’s like taking one chord and magically turning it into three, four, or five different chords. Every chord in this manual is shown in three or more possible inversions.
  •  Includes The Most Common Chords That Make Up 95% Of All Music - All of the guess work has been taken away. With my years of experience I have learned which chord you Need-To-Know! and have included them in this book.
  • Easy Navigation. - An easy to navigate glossary. Simply click on the chord you want and you will be taken to the correct page. It's that easy!
  •  Over 135 Pages Of Music Instruction And Chord Diagrams...
  •  ...and much, MUCH more!
What Others Are Saying About
The Piano Chord Encyclopedia
"This works great! It helped me identify chords I didn't know to several songs I am learning to play by ear! Thanks!"
- Carol
"I started learning piano a month ago and your website is very useful... and now the book! Thanks a lot"
- Jeff
"The book is helpful to me for several reasons. First, the pictures of the piano and keys are helpful because I can see what the keys should be. Second, the table of contents and the book are laid out in a form that makes a lot of sense - it is not difficult to find what I am looking for. Third, the 80-20 principle certainly applies to this book. If you learn what is in the book you can spend 20 percent of your time working on the 80 percent of songs that this book and its chords cover. Great Job, Eric!"
- Carl
The Only Resource You'll Ever Need For Finding Chords!
Piano Chord Encyclopedia Overview
  •  An easy to follow guide to find every chord you need. Simply look in the Chord Glossary to find the page for each chord. No need to search through hundreds of chords looking for the one you want. Simple As That!
  •  Fingering Guide - showing proper fingering for all chords
  •  Inversions Guide - complete list of inversions for each chord
  •  Companion For Reading Music which can help transition from reading chords to reading music!
  •  Detailed descriptions on how to read each chord. I give explanations on Fingering, Notation, Sharps and Flats, Enharmonic Equivalents, and Chord Naming.
  •  I also include my own personal detailed recommendations on how this book should be used and important tips to get the most out of this text.
  •  Illustrated pictures with each note clearly labeled. Each chord has the appropriate finger numbers and notation for each note.
Less Then The Cost of A Private Lesson
Most Private lessons can cost anywhere from $35-$100 per hour lesson. With this book you will receive more instruction then you could get in a year of taking Private Piano Lessons!

Learning chords has never been easier. With all the chords you’ll need in one easy to use guide there's no way that you can fail.

Using the internet to find chords is great. But with this guide you will have access to hundreds of chords, the proper fingering, and all the inversions in one easy to use guide.
30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
I know that your going to love “The Piano Chord Encyclopedia.”

And to show you how this is going to be your #1 Piano Chord Resource I am offering it to you RISK FREE!

I promise that it will be your Go-To-Guide for chords, that I am offering a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

That's Right......

If for any reason over the course of 30 days you feel that this book is not your number one source for chords, I will give you a 100% Refund, No Questions Asked.

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